docker images | grep rabbitmq | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | xargs -I {} docker rmi{} |
Here are the image tags that this one-liner removes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | thusharaw@denali ois-rabbitmq (thushara/rabbitv1)*$ docker images | grep rabbitmq 2017031300 6fb1ed865ae6 3 hours ago 179 MB 2017031307 6fb1ed865ae6 3 hours ago 179 MB 2017031007 21b84ae0586e 2 days ago 179 MB 201703100 43d51d243631 2 days ago 179 MB 201703107 08927efd735e 2 days ago 179 MB 201703109 646cb7852d8e 2 days ago 179 MB |
Let's break down the on-liner:
1) docker images =>
get the images
2) grep rabbitmq
find the tags you care about
3) tr -s ' '
convert all repeating contiguous spaces to a single space so we can easily index to a specific column, the tag in this case
4) xargs -I {} docker rmi{}pass the thusly recovered tag to the `docker rmi` command, but use xargs to change the stdout of the previous cmd to a cmd line arg (which is what `docker rmi` works with)